The Dope Game 2 - Announcement

Hey, dope fiends! So we talked a bit about making a sequel a while back and got some suggestions from you folk. Afterward, we looked at the game and some other related things and started jotting down ideas. Now, it seems we have enough material to start moving forward with development!

Casting Call
Before we get into the details that we can share, let's talk about character models. In the original, some close friends were turned into the characters you dealt with or killed. In the sequel, we need a whole hell of a lot more.

If you are interested in being a character in the game, drop us a like at and we'll give you the photo requirements and further details!

Speaking of character models, here is what Phyllis looks like in the sequel:

Back To Starkham
So this time around we are going to let you explore more of Blannington state, seven cities to be exact. Some have been mentioned in The Dope Game already, others mentioned in others games we made. Nonetheless, you can now slang and more in each.

The game, this time around, relies heavily on a reputation system. Not only for each city, but each district and each character. Getting high or low reputation will unlock new activities and opportunities.

Multiplayer is now a thing. You can play the traditional "timed" matches (15 days, 30 days, etc.) in singleplayer or invite others to compete against. There will also be two other major game modes, both of them multiplayer.

Gangs will also debut. You can start up persistent gangs in the game, comprised of both NPC characters and other players. You can make bases, share resources, and wage war against others. You can even betray gangs from the inside.

There is a bunch more going on and what we've mentioned thus far is a bit vague. However, as development ramps up we will discuss it more in detail.

Street Loyalty And Retirement
As per usual, we are adding bonuses in for people who own our previous games. Those won't be discussed here yet and we aren't 100% sure what they'll be currently.

The Retirement Update from The Dope Game let you save money towards The Dope Game 2. In the beginning of time in Starkham, you'll be able to access those funds or the consequences there of.

We are at the tail end of wrapping up Into Oblivion and in the alpha stages with Haulin' Oats. That being said, The Dope Game 2 probably won't get a lot of development time until this winter. However, we will be updating folks on the process as we go. Stay tuned!

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